Aucuba Joponica - Lime
Aucuba Joponica - Lime
Aucuba Joponica - Lime
Aucuba Joponica - Lime

Aucuba Joponica - Lime


Aucuba japonica, commonly called spotted laurel, Japanese laurel, Japanese aucuba or gold dust plant. The gold dust plant is a durable indoor plant that is suitable for all levels of gardener. This forest-dwelling evergreen will bring nature indoors and delight viewers with its gold-flecked lush green leaves.

Care Guide

Light: Bright shade

Water: Water when top inch of medium is dry. soil should remain moist. 

Humidity: Average

Medium: Well-draining medium. We recommend using our Tropical Rainforest Ground Potting Mix

Propagation: Stem cutting

Not Pet-friendly


Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo. As no two plants are alike, do expect its natural variation from the photos. This product comes in a standard plastic nursery pot.

* Terracotta pot in photo are sold separately 

We are committed to sending you the healthiest plants we have.