Japanese Mame Pinus parviflora on Literati and raised roots style
Japanese Mame Pinus parviflora on Literati and raised roots style
Japanese Mame Pinus parviflora on Literati and raised roots style
Japanese Mame Pinus parviflora on Literati and raised roots style

Japanese Mame Pinus parviflora on Literati and raised roots style


Japanese mame Pinus parviflora literati style in Japanese glazed blue pot.

15 cm (h) x 7.5cm (w)

You will be getting this exact piece as shown 


Pinus parviflora, commonly known as Japanese White Pine or Five-Needle Pine, is a species of pine native to Japan. Here are some key features and information about Pinus parviflora:

1. **Appearance:**
- Japanese White Pine is an evergreen conifer with a distinctive pyramidal or irregularly shaped crown.
- The needles are arranged in bundles of five (hence the name "Five-Needle Pine") and are about 2 to 4 cm long for a non minature type

2. **Bark:**
- The bark of young trees is smooth and gray, becoming rough and furrowed as the tree matures.

3. **Cones:**
- The cones are small, typically 4-7 cm long, and have a conical shape. They are often curved and may take several years to mature.

4. **Growth Rate:**
- Japanese White Pine is a slow-growing tree, especially when cultivated as a bonsai.

5. **Cultural Significance:**
- In Japanese culture, Pinus parviflora holds symbolic importance and is often associated with traditional gardens and bonsai cultivation.

6. **Bonsai:**
- Japanese White Pine is highly prized in the art of bonsai. Its small needles and graceful form make it well-suited for bonsai cultivation.




Cultivating Pinus parviflora requires attention to its specific needs, and it benefits from careful pruning and shaping to highlight its natural beauty. Whether in a traditional Japanese garden or as a bonsai specimen, Japanese White Pine adds a touch of elegance to the landscape.


Caring for Pinus parviflora, or Japanese White Pine, involves providing the right growing conditions, regular maintenance, and attention to its specific needs. Here are some general care guidelines:


**1. **Sunlight:**
- Japanese White Pine thrives in full sun. Ensure it receives at least 3 hours of sunlight daily.

**2. **Soil:**
- Use well-draining soil with slightly acidic to neutral pH. Sandy loam or loamy soil works well for Japanese White Pine.

**3. **Watering:**
- Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. During dry periods, provide deep watering to ensure the entire root system receives moisture.

**4.  **Pruning:**
- Regular pruning is crucial for shaping and maintaining the desired form of Japanese White Pine, especially in bonsai cultivation. Remove dead or diseased branches.

**5.  **Fertilization:**
- Fertilize in spring with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. Avoid excessive nitrogen, as it can lead to elongated needles.

**6. **Pest and Disease Control:**
- Monitor for pests such as pine sawflies, scale insects, and pine moths. Treat infestations promptly with appropriate measures. Ensure good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases. 

Japanese White Pine requires a dedicated approach to care, especially when cultivated as a bonsai. Regular observation of the plant's health, timely pruning, and appropriate water and nutrient management contribute to its overall vitality. Adjust care based on the specific needs of your growing environment and the age of the tree.